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Business Plan Workspace

Build interactive and shareable Business Plans.

Business Plan Workspace

Build interactive and shareable Business Plans.

Description from creator:

A Notion Tool to build interactive and shareable Business Plans.

60-page business plans built on Word are obsolete. However, just because the technique is obsolete does not mean that Business Plans are not valuable. Using the right tools, building a business plan can be a key factor in the success of a project.

Business Plans in Word (Pdf & other text formats)

Our proposal using Notion

You can benefit from this template if you:

- Have a Business Idea and don't know where to start

- Want to assess the feasibility of your venture

- Want to reduce the risk of pursuing the wrong opportunity

- Are an entrepreneur that wants to test your next business idea

- Are a startup planning a new business line/product/idea

- Are a Business Consultant and want to offer an interactive service for your client

- Want to find business partners and present your idea to them

- Want to find funding and present your idea to investors

- Want to document your revenue model and working process

- Value strategy and planning

For Business Planners - Beginners

This is a step-by-step journey. You will learn how to make your business plan in an interactive and shareable space that will allow you to document all your work.

For Business Planners / Companoes - Intermediate & Advance

This Notion Workspace will turn your Business Plans into interactive and shareable projects. With this template, you will read the next level regarding collaboration & documentation while creating your plans.

For Students

If you are a Business Student, your school may require that you build a business plan as part of their program. This template will guide you through that process and you will be able to present your assignment in a unique, customizable format.

What's inside?

Before starting: a step-by-step guide

Recipes to improve the template (Automations)

Help Channels

Business Plan Workspace (Duplicable Template) that includes:

Some of the key components of the Business Plan Workspace can be consulted on the following image:

Creating The Business Plan Workspace:

I have created this template in public. All the processes and work are public in this Twitter thread.

Twitter - @heyiamAC

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Description written by the creator,

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Notion?
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Notion is free-to-use project management tool that you can use to think, write, and plan. Capture thoughts, manage projects, or even run an entire company — and do it exactly the way you want.

What are Notion templates?
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A Notion template is any publicly shared page in Notion that can be duplicated. They allow you to share your favorite workflows with the community, or duplicate other workflows that you want to use. Visit our template gallery to see how others in the community are using Notion.

What is Notion used for?
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Notion can be used for a wide variety of personal or business purposes. You can take notes, create a daily journal, track your progress as you build new habits, manage your finances, or run an entire company. Check out our template gallery to discover more uses.